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Art: Making & Exhibiting Unit 4 Outcome 1

Consolidate – refine and resolve

How do artists refine and resolve artworks?

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 10 per cent

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 60 per cent

• End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

The official part:

'In this area of study students refine and resolve at least one finished artwork based on the ideas explored in artworks in Unit 3. All finished artworks demonstrate the consolidation of ideas and the use of materials, techniques and processes in at least one specific art form. All finished artworks demonstrate the connections from previous works and demonstrate the way artists, artworks and other influences have inspired and extended the student’s ideas and style. The student’s skills in the use of materials and techniques are refined, and subject matter, ideas, visual language and aesthetic qualities are resolved in artworks. All finished artworks should be influenced by the nature, the scale and the complexity of the art form undertaken by the student.
Students document the characteristics and properties of the materials used in the finished artworks, and the techniques and processes used to make them. Students investigate the methods used for the conservation and care of their artworks and record them in their Visual Arts journal.
' (Source: VCAA Art:M&E Study Design, p.35)


Outcome 1

On completion of this unit the student should be able to refine and resolve at least one finished artwork in a specific art form and document the materials, techniques and processes used in art making.
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.


Key knowledge

•    methods used to extend and resolve subject matter and ideas in artworks
•    methods used to refine and resolve visual language in artworks
•    the application of materials, techniques and processes to refine at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    methods used to progressively document and record art making and the resolution and refinement of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    methods used to reflect and evaluate how subject matter and ideas are extended from Unit 3 and resolved in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    methods used to reflect on and evaluate the materials, techniques and processes used to make at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    terminology used in the reflection and evaluation of art making and the refinement and resolution of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    methods used to conserve and care for the materials used in a specific art form
•    terminology used to discuss the conservation and care of materials used in a specific art form


Key skills

•    extend and resolve ideas explored in Unit 3 in at least one finished artwork 
•    refine and resolve visual language in at least one finished artwork 
•    refine the use of materials, techniques and processes explored in Unit 3 to make at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    progressively document and record art making and the resolution and refinement of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    reflect on and evaluate the expansion and resolution of ideas from Unit 3 in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form

•    reflect on and evaluate the resolution of visual language used to communicate subject matter and ideas in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    reflect on and evaluate the use of materials, techniques and processes to make at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    apply terminology in the reflection and evaluation of art making and the refinement and resolution of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form
•    identify and discuss the methods used to conserve and care for materials used in a specific art form
•    apply terminology in the discussion of the conservation and care of materials used in a specific art form


How you will be assessed:

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