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Art: Making & Exhibiting Unit 4

Consolidate, present and conserve



In Unit 4 we will:

  • make connections to the artworks we have made in Unit 3, consolidating and extending our ideas and art making to further refine and resolve artworks in -specific art forms.

  • progressive resolution of these artworks is documented in our Visual Arts journal, demonstrating our developing technical skills in a specific art form as well as our refinement and resolution of subject matter, ideas, visual language, aesthetic qualities and style.

  • reflect on their selected finished artworks and evaluate the materials, techniques and processes used to make them.


The Visual Arts journal in Unit 4 includes:

·           the continued development of the student’s own art making in a specific art form

·           evaluation of art making in a specific art form

·           the visual documentation of the processes used for finalising artworks

·           annotations to support visual documentation

·           research into the connections between specific artists and artworks and the student’s own artworks

·           research about the presentation of artworks in exhibitions

·           research undertaken for conservation and care of artworks

·           research about the selection of artworks for display and the planning of exhibitions

·           written and visual research to make connections with specific artists and artwork.


The progress of your individual artworks is an important element of Unit 4, and throughout the unit we will demonstrate your ability to communicate to others about your artworks.

We will:

  • articulate the development of subject matter, ideas, visual language, your choice of materials, your understanding of the inherent characteristics and properties of the material, your use of techniques and processes, and aesthetic qualities.

  • further develop their ideas and broaden their thinking to make new artworks, acting on their critique from Unit 3.

  • organise the presentation of your finished artworks.

  • make decisions on how your artworks will be displayed, the lighting you may use, and any other considerations you may need to present your artworks.

  • present a critique of your artworks and receive and reflect on feedback.

  • continue to engage with galleries, museums, other exhibition spaces and site-specific spaces and examine a variety of exhibitions.

  • review the methods used and considerations involved in the presentation, conservation and care of artworks, including the conservation and care of their own artworks. (Note: we must visit or view a minimum of two exhibitions during the current year of study; you must select one exhibition space for study in Unit 3 and a different exhibition space for study in Unit 4.)

  • document the investigation and review of artworks and exhibitions in our Visual Arts journal.



• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 10 per cent

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 60 per cent

• End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.



For unit 4, we will be progressively reading through Ch 7-10.

Sometimes as a class and other times as homework or in small groups.


Del Kathryn Barton, Self-portrait with studio wife, 2018

Acrylic on linen

203 x 183 cm



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