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Media Unit 1



​Unit 1: Media forms, representations and Australian stories




The following outcomes will be assessed through a range of tasks by means of audiovisual/audio sequences, radio or audio sequences, photography, print layouts, sequences or presentations using digital techniques, posters, written responses or oral reports.

  • Outcome 1 - Representations Tasks

  • Outcome 2 - Media Forms in Production tasks

  • Outcome 3 - Australian Stories tasks


The relationship between audiences and the media is evolving. Audiences engage with media products in many ways. They share a common language with media producers and construct meanings from the representations within a media product.
In this unit, students develop an understanding of audiences and the core concepts underpinning the construction of representations and meaning in different media forms. They explore media codes and conventions and the construction of meaning in media products.
Students analyse how representations, narratives and media codes and conventions contribute to the construction of the media realities that audiences read and engage with. Students gain an understanding of audiences as producers and consumers of media products. Through analysing the structure of narratives, students consider the impact of media creators and institutions on production.
Students work in a range of media forms and develop and produce representations to demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of each media form, and how they contribute to the communication of meaning.
Students develop an understanding of the features of Australian fictional and non-fictional narratives in different media forms. They develop research skills to investigate and analyse selected narratives, focusing on the media professionals’ influence on production genre and style. They experience the voices and stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators to gain an understanding and appreciation of how their stories contribute to our cultural identity.


The unit consists of three outcomes which see students complete:


Before we get started...


Get your hands on the

Media Textbook





and set up your

Google Drive account.

Your teacher will me a folder & Share it with you.

This is where your Digital Portfolio and other in class wrk will be stored and accessed.

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