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Media Unit 4



​Unit 4: Media production; agency and control in and of the media


  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 20 per cent

  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 40 per cent

  • End-of-year examination: 40 per cent.


In this unit students focus on the production and post-production stages of the media production process, bringing the pre-production plans created in Unit 3 to their realisation. Students refine their media production in response to feedback and through personal reflection, documenting the iterations of their production as they work towards completion.
The context in which media products are produced, distributed and consumed is an essential framework through which audiences view and read media products. Social, historical, institutional, cultural, economic and political contexts can be seen through explicit or implied views and values conveyed within media products. The media disseminate these views and values within a society and, as a result, can play a key role in influencing, reinforcing or challenging the cultural norms. 
In this unit, students view a range of media products that demonstrate a range of values and views, and they analyse the role that media products and their creators play within the contexts of their time and place of production.
Students explore the relationship between the media and audiences, focusing on the opportunities and challenges afforded by current developments in the media industry. They consider the nature of communication between the media and audiences, explore the capacity of the media to be used by governments, institutions and audiences, and analyse the role of the Australian government in regulating the media.


The unit consists of two outcomes which see students complete:



Director Quentin Tarantino, behind the scenes with Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace) and John Travolta (Vincent Vega) on the set of Pulp Fiction. 

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