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Art: Making & Exhibiting
Unit 1 Outcome 3

Area of Study 3: Investigate – research and
What role do artworks and their presentation play in society?


The official part:


In this area of study we will:

  • investigate the artworks of Australian artists from different contexts, 

  • the materials, techniques and processes they use to make artworks.

  • investigate

    • the impact of these contexts on the communication of ideas and meaning in artworks

    • how contexts have influenced how artists make artworks. 

We will:

  • focus on artworks by Australian artists, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.

  • research a range of resources to support the discussion of materials appropriate to the artists’ artworks.


You are encouraged to view the artworks in a range of presentations throughout Unit 1, including those in galleries, museums, other exhibition spaces and site-specific spaces. 


We will:

  • select three different Australian artists for Area of Study 3 and present information on a proposed exhibition of their artworks in a format such as a catalogue, website, brochure or didactic information for a gallery, museum, other exhibition space or site-specific space. 

  • present their research to an audience.

  • documented research for the information in your Visual Arts journal.


In your presentation of research you will:
•    select three artists, including one or more Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander artists, and at least one artwork by each artist 
•    provide information and an overview of each artist, including background information and the influences on their art making, including where the artist was born, lives/lived and works/worked
•    provide an overview of the artists and their works selected for exhibition
•    explore how each artist has applied materials, techniques and processes to make each artwork 
•    explain how artists represent ideas and use subject matter to communicate meaning in each artwork.

Adapted from VCAA, 2023-2027 Art:M&E Study Design, p. 18-19



Outcome 3

On completion of this unit you should be able to research Australian artists and present information about them in a format appropriate for a proposed exhibition.
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 3


Key knowledge

•    the influence of context on the practices of Australian artists and their artworks
•    characteristics and properties of materials used by artists to make artworks
•    ways in which artists apply materials in the making of artworks
•    ways in which artists use techniques and processes to make artworks
•    how artists represent ideas and use subject matter to communicate meaning in artworks
•    strategies used to create a cohesive presentation about artists and their artworks
•    ways to discuss artworks and art forms on display
•    strategies used to prepare information for the exhibition of artworks 
•    appropriate terminology used to discuss artworks and exhibitions


Key skills

•    explore and discuss the contexts of a range of Australian artists and their artworks
•    use a range of resources to research how artists have used materials, techniques and processes in the making of their artworks
•    explain and evaluate how artists have used materials, techniques and processes to make artworks
•    analyse how artists represent ideas and use subject matter to communicate meaning in their artworks
•    use a variety of methods and strategies to present information for a proposed exhibition of artworks by Australian artists 
•    develop and present information discussing a range of artworks by Australian artists 
•    use appropriate terminology in the discussion of artworks and their presentation


​Success Criteria:














What we are actually going to do... 

·           select three artists, including one or more Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander artists, and at least one artwork by each artist

·           provide information and an overview of each artist, including background information and the influences on their art making, including where the artist was born, lives/lived and works/worked

·           provide an overview of the artists and their works selected for exhibition

·           explore how each artist has applied materials, techniques and processes to make each artwork

·           explain how artists represent ideas and use subject matter to communicate meaning in each artwork.















Artists to explore and Investigate:



Abstraction, Assemblage, Fracturing picture planes


The use of found objects as materials for works of art has a long and rich history. The national collection holds many works of assemblage created by artists from all over the world. Visit the NGA website and find a work of art that uses an upcycled or found object. Some artists of note to search for include Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso and Rosalie Gascoigne.


"Rosalie Gascoigne is one of Australia’s most acclaimed and respected visual artists. Her distinctive style is characterised by her recognition of beauty in the most humble of objects such as soft drink crates, linoleum, retro-reflective road signs, dried grasses and feathers. Collecting and arranging these items, often rescued from rubbish dumps, and scarred and faded by the ravages of weather, is an integral part of her practice. Like a magician she transforms these discarded materials into sculptures, wall pieces and assemblages, which create evocative visual poetry, capturing the essence of things or an experience rather than conveying a literal representation.

Gascoigne like Picasso realised later in life that one is not made an artist, one is born an artist. " (Source:


Ch 4.4 of Textbook

I can:

Note: the following content requires adapting - it is based on the old study design - I am still working my way through. Thanks for your patience!

Explore the links to learn about Gascoigne

banana yellow.jpg


(1917 - 1999)


retro-reflective road sign on plywood

70.0 x 63.0 cm

U1O3 1.jpg
U1O3 2.jpg

Source: Gilligan, G & Grant, P. 2017, Studio Knack, p41-42.

Digging Deeper:

Knowledge: Who is the artist of the chosen artwork and what is the title of the artwork, date and medium?


Understanding: Can you think of another artwork or place/time you have experienced that this artwork reminds you of?


Apply:  What materials, techniques and processes do you think the artist may have used in the creation of this artwork? Think, pair, share


Analysing: Explain how the elements and principles have been used to communicate meaning and messages within this artwork.

Why do you think the artist chose to...?


Evaluating: What can you point out about society at this time? What evidence can you find to substantiate your thoughts?

Creating: Create a sketch of how you might display this artwork in a gallery space, annotating the key components of the exhibition space, such as wall colours, use of plinths, lighting and justify your decisions.


Deakin PSTs: Use this resource to help you develop your questions

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