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Outcome 3: Design process: defining problems and developing ideas

How do designers apply a design process to reframe problems and develop ideas?

The Official Part:

In this area of study, we will:

  • explore the Discover, Define and Develop phases of the VCD design process, and apply understandings of good design when addressing a selected design problem.

  • begin the Discover phase by using divergent thinking strategies and applying ethical research methods to identify a design problem or opportunity.

  • gather insights about stakeholder perspectives and other influential factors using a range of research methods such as but not limited to interviews and surveys, audience or user personas, competitor analysis and secondary research. 

We will:

  • employ convergent thinking strategies as they progress to the Define stage of the VCD design process, analysing and synthesising findings in order to clearly articulate design opportunities.

From these findings, you will:

  • prepare a single design brief for a real or fictional client, defining:

    • two communication needs that are distinct from one another in purpose and presentation format.

    • Design criteria is specified for each communication need,

    • with consideration given to the audience or user,

    • the purposes of designed outcomes,

    • possible contexts and

    • design constraints. 

The Develop phase of the VCD design process follows the formation of the brief, with you once again using divergent thinking as you:

  • employ an iterative process of seeking and analysing inspiration, brainstorming and generating design ideas.

  • This phase of the design process is undertaken twice, as you address each communication need identified in the design brief.

You will: 

  • use methods such as but not limited to ideation sketching and prototyping to document potential concepts;

  • undertake further research if necessary and share ideas-in-progress with peers for critique. This feedback is used in Unit 4 to select and further evolve design concepts through refinement, testing and evaluation.

Outcome 1 

On completion of this unit the student should be able to identify two communication needs for a client, prepare a brief and develop design ideas, while applying the VCD design process and design thinking strategies. 
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 3.

Key Knowledge

  • the Discover, Define and Develop phases of the VCD design process

  • the role of convergent and divergent thinking in the VCD design process

  • ethical research methods to identify and analyse a design problem

  • the role of the brief in defining communication needs 

  • methods and techniques used to generate design ideas

  • key features and functions of the design elements and principles

  • legal and ethical obligations relevant to the designer’s work

  • techniques for engaging in critiques to present design ideas and both respond to and deliver constructive feedback 

  • conceptions of good design

  • appropriate design terminology.

Key Skills

  • apply the Discover, Define and Develop phases of the VCD design process

  • use divergent and convergent thinking strategies when defining problems and developing ideas

  • use design research methods to define communication problems

  • apply legal and ethical obligations relevant to the designer’s work

  • document a brief defining two distinct communication needs and presenting design criteria including purposes, contexts, audience or user characteristics and design constraints

  • generate a range of design ideas drawing on design criteria documented in the brief 

  • annotate design ideas using design terminology to explain and evaluate design decisions 

  • use the design elements and principles to develop design ideas

  • present design ideas for critique, and both respond to and deliver constructive feedback 

  • use appropriate design terminology.


VCD Study Design, p24, 

Success Criteria:
I Can...

What are we actually going to do:

We will begin with exploring one aspect of Unit 3 O3 which will inform and assist with completion of each of the 9 tasks for Outcome 1&2; the Copyright and Legal Obligations explored in the "Protect Your Creative" document:

How to write a Brief:


  1. Proof-reading: read it out loud to identify if there’s anything that might not make sense / doesn’t sound right. Get your friend / family member to have a read to see if the brief is clear for them.

  2. Check key words & information: for example, the purpose should have specific verbs (listed above). Make sure that you’re including all the key information for each paragraph.

  3. Keep it open: the brief sets the pathway for your design process, and so don’t entangle yourself too much. You might get better ideas as you research and develop your designs.

  4. Locate the completed brief in the very beginning of the folio: the brief comes before any pages related to presentation 1 / 2.


Note: the following content requires adapting - it is based on the old study design - I am still working my way through. Thanks for your patience!

How you will be assessed:

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