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Art: Making & Exhibiting Unit 3 Outcome 3

Connect – curate, design and propose - SAC


• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 10 per cent

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 60 per cent

• End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

How are artworks selected and presented for exhibition?


The official part:


This area of study focuses on the role of the curator in a range of exhibition spaces. Students investigate how curators plan exhibitions and prepare and display artworks. The curator may be part of a larger team or could be working alone in a smaller exhibition space. Students visit a range of galleries, museums, other exhibition spaces and site-specific spaces and connect these experiences to their own ideas for exhibiting artworks. Exhibitions studied must be from different art spaces, to give students an understanding of the breadth of artwork in current exhibitions and to provide a source of inspiration and influence for the artworks they make. Students must select a different exhibition space for study in Unit 3 Area of Study 3 to the exhibition space studied for Unit 4 Area of Study 3. The exhibitions can be selected from the recommended list of exhibitions in the VCE Art Making and Exhibiting Exhibitions List, which is published annually on the VCAA website.

Students focus on planning an exhibition of artworks from the artists they researched in Area of Study 1, using the three artists studied and selecting two artworks by each artist. They select the artworks by identifying connections between them and they present the artworks in an exhibition proposal.

In this area of study students:

·           research the characteristics of a range of exhibitions and develop a thematic exhibition of artworks

·           research a range of artworks by each artist and select appropriate artworks for the exhibition

·           research a range of exhibition spaces and define the characteristics of the space where the artworks are exhibited

·           research the responsibilities involved in curating an exhibition and propose an exhibition design that has a curatorial intention

·           research and write didactic information that is used throughout the exhibition and that connects the artists and their works.

' (VCAA, Art:M&E Study Design, p31


Outcome 3:

On completion of this unit the student should be able to research and plan an exhibition of the artworks of three artists. 
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 3.


Key knowledge:

•    the characteristics of exhibitions
•    the characteristics of exhibition spaces
•    the responsibilities involved in curating an exhibition
•    methods used for identifying and analysing the curatorial considerations and the thematic connections between the artworks and artists in an exhibition
•    methods used to develop didactic information about the theme, artists and artworks in an exhibition
•    the strategies used to plan and develop an exhibition in a specific space
•    art terminology used to discuss exhibitions, artists and artworks


Key skills:

•    research and discuss the characteristics of exhibitions
•    research and discuss the characteristics of exhibition spaces
•    research and discuss the responsibilities involved in curating an exhibition
•    discuss and analyse the curatorial considerations and the thematic connections between the artworks of artists in an exhibition
•    develop an exhibition proposal for a specific space using the works of the three selected artists from Unit 3 Area of Study 1
•    explain and analyse the presentation of artworks in the exhibition and the thematic connections between them 
•    present and discuss didactic information including the theme of the exhibition, and the artists and artworks
•    discuss the characteristics of exhibitions, exhibition spaces, artists and artworks using art terminology

How you will be assessed:
Helpful stuff:

The Art Assignment
What is a curator?

Art Gallery of Ballarat
AGB Industry Context 2020 – Curator, Julie McLaren

Exhibition Design

Art Gallery of Ballarat
AGB Industry Context 2020 – Exhibition and Graphic Designer, Ben Cox

The Museum of Modern Art
Q&A with MoMa Exhibition Designers
- How MoMA approaches exhibition design
- How to engage the audience
- Architecture
- Models
- Choosing a colour palette for an exhibition

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