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Art : Creative Practice Unit 4



  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 10 per cent

  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 60 per cent

  • End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

Outcome 3: Comparison of artists, their practice and their artworks

In this area of study you will undertake research of artists, their practices and their artworks. You will be expected to critically analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of artworks and use evidence and the appropriate Interpretive Lenses to support your interpretation and point of view. Using appropriate terminology, you will compare the meanings and messages of historical and contemporary artworks.


Each of the Interpretive Lenses can be applied to the analysis and interpretation of all artworks to varying degrees. In this area of study, you will draw on specific aspects of each of the lenses to support and provide depth to your analysis and interpretation.


You must:

 research at least one historical artist, their practice and their artworks, and at least one contemporary artist, their practice and their artworks

 compare the practices of the selected artists

 apply all three Interpretive Lenses to analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of at least two artworks by each artist

 source evidence to support their interpretation and point of view.


On completion of this unit the student should be able to compare the practices of historical and contemporary artists, and use the Interpretive Lenses to analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of selected artworks.
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 3.


Key knowledge

•    practices of historical and contemporary artists
•    meanings and messages of historical and contemporary artworks
•    the use of evidence from artworks to support analysis and interpretation
•    the use of the Structural, Personal and Cultural Lenses to analyse and interpret historical and contemporary artworks
•    resources to support the research of selected artists and their artworks
•    art terminology used in the discussion and comparison of the practices of artists and their artworks


Key skills

•    compare the practices of historical and contemporary artists
•    analyse, interpret and compare meanings and messages of historical and contemporary artworks
•    use a range of resources to compare the practices of historical and contemporary artists, and to analyse and interpret their artworks
•    apply the Structural, Personal and Cultural Lenses to the analysis and interpretation of the meanings and messages of artworks
•    substantiate the analysis and interpretation of artworks with evidence from the artworks and other sources
•    use appropriate terminology and comparative language in the analysis, interpretation and comparison 
of the practices of artists and their artworks


Guiding Questions:

  • What are the different practices of contemporary and historical artists?

  • How do artists communicate meanings and messages in their artworks?

  • What questions will I use to apply the Interpretive Lenses in the interpretation of artworks from historical and contemporary artists?

  • How do the different contexts influence the practices of artists and the representation of their ideas?

  • What are the resources I can use to support my analysis and interpretation of artworks and artists?

The Task

How you are being assessed:
The assessment rubrics for this task has been adapted from the VCAA provided performance descriptors for this outcome, pictured below.































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