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Art : Creative Practice Unit 1

Outcome 1: Artists, artworks and audiences

In this area of study you will be  introduced to:

  • the Structural

  • and the Personal Lenses

  • by researching and analysing three artists, their practices and their artworks.

You will:

  • analyse one artwork by each artist

  • and interpret meanings and messages using the Structural and Personal Lenses.


Through this process we will discover how the Structural and Personal Lenses can:

  • enhance our understanding of artworks

  • and the way we reflect the artist’s interests, experiences and thinking.


We will:

  • develop an understanding of how the interpretation of meanings and messages is influenced by the personal experiences of the viewer or audience and the context of the artwork.

  • learn how to use evidence from artworks and a range of sources to support their personal interpretation and point of view.

  • study the practices of at least three artists to examine historical and contemporary artworks and practices. The artists may be selected from a range of societies and cultures,  and must include at least 1 artist that is by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


In Area of Study 1, the three artists selected for study must be from different periods of time and cultures and include at least one contemporary artist and at least one Australian artist.


Key knowledge
 the practices of artists from different periods of time and cultures
•    the use of the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens to analyse and interpret artworks
•    the use of personal opinions and points of view about artworks
•    the ways artists use visual language to communicate ideas and meaning in their artworks
•    terminology used in discussion of artists and their artworks

Key skills
 analyse and discuss the practices of artists from different periods of time and cultures
•    apply relevant aspects of the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens to analyse and interpret artworks
•    formulate and justify personal opinions with reference to artworks and related sources
•    analyse and discuss how artists use visual language to communicate ideas and meaning in their artworks
•    use appropriate art
terminology and references to a range of sources in the discussion of artists and their artworks


































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The Task


The assessment for this SAC has been included in the draft task link above (scroll to the end) and this has been adapted from the Unit 4 Performance Descriptor.



Apply the Cultural Lens and other lenses as appropriate to study the practices of at least three artists from different cultures and times. You will research, analyse, interpret and compare historical and contemporary artworks including the artists and audience. 


The three artists studied need to address at least two of the following criteria combined:


  • an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person

  • an artist who collaborates with other artists, technicians or with the audience as part of their practice

  • an artist from an historical period that has used at least one traditional art form and traditional materials and techniques

  • a contemporary artist whose practice is influenced by contemporary ideas, materials, techniques, processes or approaches.



You are required to: 


  • analyse and discuss the practices of artists from different periods of time and cultures

  • apply relevant aspects of the Structural Lens and Personal Lens to analyse and interpret artworks

  • formulate and justify  personal opinions with reference to artworks and related sources

  • analyse and discuss how artists use visual language to communicate ideas and meaning in their artworks

  • use appropriate art terminology and references to a range of sources in the discussion of artists and their artworks


There are a few options for how to approach this task.

Refer to the artworks within the Assignment task sheet.


Option 1  - Portraiture


Explore the portrait work of 3 of the following: 

Rembrandt van Rijn, Francis Bacon, Del Kathryn Barton, Cindy Sherman, Tracey Moffatt, Vincent Namatjira or Adnate, or another artist of your choosing (remember the above criteria) ; the response should use the Structural and Personal Lenses and draw on at least three art sources




Option 2  - Cars

Refer to the artworks within the Assignment task sheet.


using the Structural and Personal Lenses examine one work by 3 of the followingartists: one of Ben Quilty’s ‘Car Paintings’; either Robin Rhode’s ‘BMW-24’ or ‘Expression of Joy’; and Patricia Piccinini’s ‘Sandman Series’ or one of her ‘Car Nuggets’, or perhaps explore the Indigenous Kayili Artists work on cars




Option 2  - AFL

Refer to the artworks within the Assignment task sheet.


Australian Rules Football appears as a theme in the work of Vincent Namatjira, Pitcha Making Fellas and the Hermannsburg potters, all of whom are First Nations artists. Consider their work through the Cultural lens and compare their practices, meanings and messages. Useful references include: Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre , The Museum of Contemporary Art.



Interpretive Lenses questions
How has each artist used their artworks as a vehicle to invite change and provoke conversation?
How has each artist worked in collaboration? Do they work specifically with someone? How?
How do each artist’s methods differ? Is the era relevant to the way they work?
What is significant culturally to the way the artist works?


The Lenses:

Structural Lens
  • Compare the materials, techniques and processes used by the artist(s). Do they vary, according to the time and place that they were used?

  • Are there similarities or differences between the aesthetics of the works? Discuss.

  • Do the artists use symbols to communicate? How? Are there similarities or differences in the ways the artists do this?

Personal Lens
  • Are there similarities between the lives of the artists? Is this reflected in their work? How?

  • Did the artist(s) work in isolation, or collaboratively? How has this influenced the work?

  • Does the artist(s) have specific beliefs that are relevant to the work?

  • Have the life experiences of the artist(s) influenced the work? How?

  • Do the specific beliefs of the audience affect their response to the works? How?

  • How would a contemporary audience of the artist(s) have responded to each of the works?

  • How do you (the student) respond to each of the works? Are you drawn to one more than the others? Why?

Cultural Lens
  • How have the time periods in which the artists worked influenced them? How is this evident?

  • Does a contemporary audience interpret the works differently to the original audience? Why?

  • Do the artists make work that responds to political events? How is this evident?

  • Do the artists subscribe to a spiritual or philosophical ethos? How is this explored in their work?

  • Have economics influenced the artists? Did their socioeconomic situation influence their subject matter? Did they have access to materials, or have they used found or repurposed materials?

  • Has the work of the artists changed in financial value? How does this affect the interpretation of the work?

  • Does the ethnic background of the artists bring art practices and visual elements to the works?

  • Is the gender of the artists reflected in their work? How?

  • Do the artists ask their audiences to consider ethical issues?

  • Do the practices of the artists provoke shock or disgust? Why?

  • How do these factors contribute to engagement and communication of meaning?


Presentation Options:


(Source: Joy, E, VCE Art CP discussion group, Facebook)

(Source: Hendy-Ekers et al, 2010, Art-iculate, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, p75-78)

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