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Art: Making & Exhibiting Unit 3 Outcome 1

Collect – inspirations, influences and images

How do artists use selected art forms and ideas to create visual language?

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 10 per cent

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 60 per cent

• End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

The official part:

'In this area of study students research and develop an understanding of the inherent characteristics and properties of materials in specific art forms. In their Visual Arts journal, students collect a variety of ideas from a range of sources to inform their experimentation and exploration of subject matter, ideas and technical skills. Students develop their ideas and subject matter as they explore materials, techniques and processes. They also expand their knowledge of art elements, art principles and aesthetic qualities.
Students use their Visual Arts journal to document their developing visual language, reflect on their art making and further investigate and plan artworks. They also document their experimentations with materials and techniques and justify reasons for selecting them. 
Seeking influence and inspiration from artworks can help students to develop subject matter and ideas and to understand how materials, techniques and processes are used to make artworks. Students select three artists to research and use as inspiration throughout their art making. For Outcome 3, they plan an exhibition of the work of the same three artists. Students reflect on the contexts in which artists are working and their use of subject matter, art elements, art principles, aesthetic qualities, materials, techniques and processes. They investigate how artists represent ideas and communicate meaning through the use of visual language. They also reflect on the artists’ personal experiences and the influences they have on the student’s art making. Students record the documentation of these artists in their Visual Arts journal to demonstrate the connection to the artworks they develop.'
(VCAA, Art: M&E Study Design, p28-29


Outcome 1:

On completion of this unit the student should be able to collect information from artists and artworks in specific art forms to develop subject matter and ideas in their own art making.
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.

Key knowledge:

•    the use of art elements, art principles and aesthetic qualities in artworks in specific art forms
•    how subject matter and ideas are developed from artistic influences, inspirations and personal experiences
•    methods used to communicate ideas using visual language 
•    the inherent characteristics and properties of materials used in experimentation and art making in specific art forms
•    techniques and processes used in art making in specific art forms
•    methods used to conceptualise artworks and document individual art making
•    art terminology in the documentation and evaluation of art making 


Key skills:

•    explore, evaluate and document the use of art elements, art principles and aesthetic qualities in specific art forms
•    develop subject matter and ideas from the exploration of artistic influences, inspiration and personal experiences
•    experiment with materials, techniques and processes in art making in specific art forms
•    document the development of ideas and visual language in individual artworks in specific art forms
•    identify and analyse the connections between influences, sources of inspiration and personal experiences
•    identify, analyse and evaluate the characteristics and properties of materials used in experimentation and art making in specific art forms
•    identify, analyse and evaluate the use of techniques and processes in specific art forms
•    identify, analyse and evaluate the use of visual language in artworks
•    conceptualise artworks and document, reflect on and evaluate individual art making in a Visual Arts journal
•    use art terminology in documentation, analysis and evaluation

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓Where to start ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

How you will be assessed:

Helpful stuff:


Annotated Folio:

Nicole Zhao - VCE Art: M&E


Note: These clips relate to the OLD Studio Arts Study design

How to annotate artworks


The following tips and guidelines should help you understand how to add quality notes to your pages:

Reveal your own thinking and personal responses (rather than regurgitating facts or the views of others)

Explain the starting points and ideas, emphasising personal relevance and your own connections to subjects

Critically analyse and compare artwork of relevant artist models (both historical and contemporary artists, from a range of cultures). Discuss aesthetics, use of media, technique, meaning/emotion/ideas and the influence of an artist upon your own work. While it is important to conduct research into your artist models (and to convey an understanding of this information), avoid copying or summarising large passages of information from other sources. Instead, select the information that you think is useful for your project and link it with your own viewpoints and observations. Use research findings to make you sound clever and knowledgeable – to prove that you are aware of the artists and cultural influences around you – and to help you to critically evaluate artworks (by giving you background information and a peek into the mind of an artist): do not use it to fill your sketchbook with boring facts.

–  Demonstrate good subject knowledge, using correct vocabulary (phrases such as ‘strong contrast’, ‘draws the eye’ and ‘focal point’ etc)

Reference of all images, artwork and text from other sources, ensuring that artists, websites and books are acknowledged (it should be obvious to an examiner which work is yours when viewing a page, so cite sources directly underneath the appropriate image. Photographs taken by yourself should be clearly labelled, so examiners know the work is yours and reward you for it)

Communicate with clarity. It doesn’t matter whether you jot down notes or use full sentences, but never use ‘txt’ speak and try to avoid incorrect spelling, as this indicates sloppiness and can hint to the examiner that you are a lower calibre candidate.

It may also benefit you to contemplate the following:

  1. What subjects / themes / moods / issues / messages are explored?

  2. Why are these relevant or important to the artist (or you)?

  3. What appeals to you visually about this artwork?

  4. How does the composition of the artwork (i.e. the relationship between the visual elements: line, shape, colour, tone, texture and space) help to communicate ideas and reinforce a message?

  5. Why might this composition have been chosen? (Discuss in terms of how the visual elements interact and create visual devices that ‘draw attention’, ‘emphasise’, ‘balance’, ‘link’ and/or ‘direct the viewer through the artwork’ etc.)

  6. What mediums, techniques (mark-making methods), styles and processes have been used? How do these communicate a message?

  7. How do they affect the mood of the artwork and the communication of ideas?

  8. Are these methods useful for your own project?

  9. How does all of the above help you with your own artwork? Remember that these questions are a guide only and are intended to make you start to think critically about the art you are studying and creating.

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