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Unit 4, Outcome 1

Production and presentation of artworks


• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 10 per cent

• Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 60 per cent

• End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

The official part:

'In this area of study students focus on the refinement and presentation of artworks developed from the selected potential directions identified in the individual studio process in Unit 3. The development and refinement of artworks is informed by the evaluation of potential directions. In this area of study the presentation of artworks demonstrates relationships between the artworks that are interpreted through the aesthetics, themes, conceptual possibilities and/or materials and techniques discussed in the exploration proposal. The artworks are created in selected art form/s, presented in a manner appropriate to those art form/s, and reflect an understanding of the art form/s and related materials and techniques. Materials and techniques are refined and applied, ideas and aesthetic qualities are resolved. The student’s presentation of artworks is realised through the ideas communicated in the exploration proposal. Students present no fewer than two artworks, with evaluated selected potential directions, including a plan about how the artworks were developed. The two artworks presented will be influenced by the nature, the scale and the complexity of the work undertaken during an appropriate allocation of time required at this level of study. The presentation of at least two artworks will demonstrate the cohesive relationships between the artworks such as theme, ideas, subject matter, materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities.'


Outcome 1

On completion of this unit the student should be able to present at least two finished artworks based on selected and evaluated potential directions developed through the studio process, which demonstrate refinement and application of materials and techniques, and that realise and communicate the student’s ideas expressed in the exploration proposal. To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.


Key knowledge

• ways of developing artworks through the evaluation of a range of potential directions

• materials and techniques appropriate to particular art form/s

• the depiction of subject matter in artworks

• the resolution of aesthetic qualities in artworks

• the methods for the realisation and communication of ideas in artworks

• the techniques for the development, refinement and presentation of artworks appropriate to the individual’s ideas and the selected art form/s

• ways to present cohesive relationships between artworks.


Key skills

• demonstrate the use of at least two potential directions used in the creation of artworks

• use selected potential directions to support the development and refinement of artworks

• apply materials and techniques appropriate to particular art form/s and utilise their inherent characteristics

• depict subject matter

• demonstrate aesthetic qualities

• realise and communicate ideas in artworks

• create relationships between artworks.

How you will be assessed:

Helpful stuff:

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 7

Application of materials, techniques and processes appropriate to the selected art forms and their inherent characteristics in the resolution of at least two finished artworks.

Consistent and refined application of materials, techniques and processes that reflect a comprehensive understanding of the inherent characteristics of the art form/s leading to the development of at least two finished artworks.

Evidence of Resolution:

  • Application of materials and techniques in the resolution of at least two finished artworks based upon selected and evaluated Potential Directions.

  • Appropriate use of the inherent characteristic of materials relevant to the art form identified in the Exploration Proposal.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 6

Use of selected and evaluated potential directions in the resolution of future artworks.

Potential directions have been considered and analysed to resolve ideas and subject matter that will lead to the cohesive refinement of art elements and principles, aesthetic qualities and materials and techniques in the development of at least two finished artworks.

Organised and succinct written and visual documentation considers and communicates planning for the resolution of at least two finished artworks. In Cinaya’s case, three artworks have been developed as a response to outcome one.

Evidence of resolution:

  • A brief written outline should be presented at the start of Unit 4 to explain the use of selected Potential Directions and how they will be used to resolve two artworks (This is not included in the word count for the evaluation for Unit 4, Outcome 2).

  • At least two potential directions are used as the basis for the resolution of at least two finished artworks that link to the exploration proposal. Cinaya has used potential direction one to develop artwork 3.

  • Documented planning for the resolution of finished artworks is presented for authentication purposes. This can be presented at the end of the Unit 3 Visual Diary or in another visual diary or folder clearly labelled Unit 4 Authentication Material.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 8

Demonstration and resolution of aesthetic qualities in relation to the communication and realisation of ideas in at least two finished artworks.

Consistent and resolved aesthetic qualities to communicate individual ideas and interpret personal subject matter in at least two finished artworks.

Evidence of Resolution:

  • Resolution of aesthetic qualities and personal subject matter to communicate individual ideas in at least two finished artworks through the consistent and considered application of art elements and art principles.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 9

Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks.

Consistent, cohesive and unified relationships are established through the presentation of at least two finished artworks. In Cinaya’s case, three artworks have been presented in response to outcome one.

Evidence of presentation:

  • The presentation of at least two artworks is cohesive and linked by themes and ideas. Cinaya has chosen to present three artworks for assessment.

  • As referenced in the exploration proposal and work plan, cohesive relationships in the two artworks may be established through the depiction of subject matter and/or aesthetic qualities and/or application of materials, techniques and processes.

  • Cinaya has carefully considered the way the three paintings are presented to enhance the overall cohesiveness of the artworks and emphasied their connectedness through the choice of subject matter, materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities.

  • Visual and written documentation about these decisions is presented in the Unit 4 Authentication Material.



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