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Art Unit 4: Artworks, ideas and viewpoints

'In this unit students study artworks and develop and expand upon personal points of view. They support their point of view and informed opinions about art ideas and issues with evidence. They build their learning and conceptual understanding around the discussion of broad themes, ideas and issues related to the role of art in society and consider how ideas and issues are communicated through artworks. They discuss how art may affect and change the way people think. Attributed commentaries and viewpoints may include information from visiting artists and speakers, lecturers, educators or guides in galleries, film, pod or vodcasts, online programs, printed and online material in newspapers, periodicals, journals, catalogues or texts by art critics, curators and historians. Sources should be reliable, recognised and relevant and reflect viewpoints that enrich the discussion about the artworks in relation to an art idea and related issues. From this research students choose an art idea and issue to explore. Students select the artwork/s of at least one artist not previously studied in Unit 3, and use this artwork/s and selected related commentaries and viewpoints to discuss the chosen art idea and related issues. In relation to their developing artwork, students continue to build upon the ideas and concepts begun in Unit 3 and further develop their artistic practice. They focus on the development of a body of work using the art process that demonstrates creativity and imagination, the evolution and resolution of ideas and the realisation of appropriate concepts, knowledge and skills. At the end of this unit, students present a body of work and at least one finished artwork accompanied by documentation of artistic practice. Students select appropriate aspects of the Analytical Frameworks as a structure for the reflection and documentation of their artworks.' (


Olafur Eliasson, Ice Watch, 2014

City Hall Square, Copenhagen


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