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Art Unit 2: Artworks and contemporary culture

'In this unit students use the Cultural Framework and the Contemporary Framework to examine the different ways that artists interpret and present social and personal issues in their artistic practice. They apply the Cultural Framework and the Contemporary Framework as appropriate to the selection of artworks. In students’ own artistic practice, they continue to use the art process and visual language to explore and experiment with materials and techniques and to develop personal and creative responses. They explore the way cultural contexts and contemporary ideas and approaches to art have influenced their artwork. Students investigate how artworks can be created as forms of expression for specific cultural and contemporary contexts. Students may research contemporary artworks, public art, community and collaborative artworks, art produced for festivals, newspaper cartoons, art prizes, curated exhibitions, performance art, ephemeral and environmental art and street art. Artworks can celebrate specific events, ideas or beliefs or they can commemorate people, institutions, social movements and events. They can reinforce a social group’s sense of power and authority or they can challenge social attitudes and assumptions. Students begin to see the importance of the cultural context of artworks and analyse the varying social functions that art can serve. Students use the Contemporary Framework to examine artworks from different periods of time and cultures. In current contemporary artistic practice, many artists have reinterpreted traditional art forms and familiar representation, re-examining the traditions of realism and abstraction in conceptual artworks that challenge ideas about art. Contemporary art and ideas may involve diverse and alternative approaches to making and presenting art. These practices may also include practices of appropriation, collaboration, participation and questioning of the notion of authorship of artworks. While the focus of this unit is on the Cultural Framework and Contemporary Framework, students should continue to apply aspects of the Structural Framework and Personal Framework where relevant in the analysis of artworks. In the documentation of their own artwork, students select and use appropriate aspects of all the Analytical Frameworks (pages 10–12).' (


Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917



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