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Art Unit 4



  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 20 per cent

  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 50 per cent

  • End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

Outcome 1: Realisation and resolution

IIn this area of study students continue to develop the body of work begun in Unit 3 by using the art process and work toward resolved ideas and concepts leading to at least one finished artwork, in addition to the work that was completed for Unit 3. They reflect on personal concepts and ideas as they progressively develop and refine their artworks. Students continue to use the Analytical Frameworks to document their artistic practice, reflecting on exploration, experimentation, further development, refinement and resolution of a body of work.


On completion of this unit the student should be able to apply the art process to progressively communicate ideas, directions and personal concepts in a body of work that includes at least one finished artwork and use selected aspects of the Analytical Frameworks to underpin reflections on their art making. To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 2.


Key knowledge

• materials, techniques, processes and art forms appropriate to art making

• the application of visual language to resolve and realise concepts in artworks

• artistic practice to refine, resolve and realise concepts in artworks

• development, refinement and resolution of ideas, techniques and processes

• visual language that communicates the development and refinement of skills, techniques and processes

• the Analytical Frameworks for the reflective annotation of artworks

• terminology used in documentation, annotation and evaluation.


Key skills

• make artworks through exploring, investigating and experimenting with materials, techniques and processes relevant to selected art forms

• develop, refine and reflect on ideas and personal concepts throughout the art process

• manipulate visual and technical qualities to produce visual imagery and resolve artistic ideas and concepts

• document the development, refinement and resolution of artworks using appropriate written and visual material

• employ the language of the Analytical Frameworks to support reflective annotation and evaluation • produce at least one finished artwork.


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Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10

Use of the Analytical Frameworks in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout Unit 4

Matthew has consistently and effectively selected relevant frameworks to support his critical and creative thinking throughout the art process and his body of work. He applies higher order art language to discuss, analyse and interpret his ideas and decisions. Matthew clearly demonstrates this criteria throughout his visual diary in Unit 4. Dating and page numbers help to provide evidence that his annotation has been completed in real time and supports his art practice.



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Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of artworks through artistic practice

At the beginning of his Visual Diary, Matthew nominated a colour key and has employed this throughout. Here we can see his frameworks selected and highlighted as he discusses his thinking and working practices. He has used all of the analytical frameworks in his annotation of his artistic practice evaluating his decisions as he progresses.

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Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 1

Exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Christina is exploring concepts of “Society Driven Fears”. She has sourced inspiration that “gave me an eerie feeling”. She responds to artistic inspiration visually with small studies and annotation indicating possible approaches from the cited images.

Her initial brainstorm indicates potential personal responses to the environment, death and animals amongst others. As she progresses, she directs her thinking towards an environmental concern: “portraying the ugly truth of plastic pollution.” Christina explores this throughout her art practice.

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Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 7

Use artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in the body of work and finished artwork(s)

Throughout Christina’s art process she employs critical and creative thinking to conceptualise, communicate and realise her personal ideas in a body of work, including a finished artwork. Her ideas are refined as she progresses towards the finished artwork, supported by visual language development and reflective annotations.

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