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Unit 4 Outcome 2


The official part:

‘In this area of study students reflect on the selection of potential directions that form the basis, development and presentation of artworks. Students provide visual and written documentation of the selected potential directions that are the basis for the development of the artworks in Unit 4, Area of Study 1. The documentation identifies any development, refinement and production of artworks. When the artworks have been completed, students examine and reflect on the communication of ideas, the use of materials and techniques, the demonstration of aesthetic qualities and the relationships that have been formed through the presentation of artworks. They may explain any refocusing and provide visual support materials that demonstrate the refinement of techniques and processes employed in the artworks.’

VCAA, 2017-2022 Studio Arts Study Design, p. 25

Outcome 2

On completion of this unit the student should be able to provide visual and written documentation that identifies and evaluates the extent to which the artworks reflect the selected potential directions, and effectively demonstrates a cohesive relationship between the works. To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 2.


Key knowledge

• ways in which themes are expressed in the artworks presented

• appropriate methods for reflection and evaluation

• ways in which potential directions contribute to the production of artworks

• ways in which the artworks relate to each other

• the methods of applying materials and techniques

• the aesthetic qualities of finished artworks

• ways in which ideas are communicated in artworks

• the methods relevant to the refinement of the presented artworks

• the types of visual and written evidence used to support the potential directions which led to the development of finished artworks

• appropriate terminology.


Key skills

• identify and describe the focus and subject matter of the artworks

• explain the ways in which potential directions contributed to the development and refinement of artworks

• provide visual evidence of selected potential directions used to develop the artworks

• explain further refinement to the potential directions in order to develop the artworks

• reflect on the effectiveness of artworks to communicate ideas

• analyse how the artworks realise the communication of ideas

• discuss the refinement and presentation of artworks

• explain and evaluate how materials and techniques were applied in the artworks

• explain and evaluate how aesthetic qualities were resolved in the artworks

• evaluate the presentation of artworks

• use appropriate terminology.

What we are actually going to do:

The Reflection will be a series of short answer responses and visual documentation within 500-750 words under the following subheadings:

• identify and describe the focus and subject matter of the artworks

“The focus and subject of my two artworks is…”

• explain ways in which potential directions contributed to the development and refinement of finished artworks

“Potential Direction 1 contributed to the development and refinement of artwork 1 through the use of…”


• provide visual evidence of selected potential directions used to develop the artworks

“Here are the original Potential Directions from my Unit 3 folio where…”


• explain further refinement to the potential directions in order to develop the artworks

“The idea of _______ was developed further through the use of ________ which resulted in ________ “


• explain and evaluate how materials and techniques were applied in the finished artworks

“The materials that I used were ______________ . I applied the technique of __________ whilst working with this medium because”


• explain how aesthetic qualities were resolved in the finished artworks

“My intention was to evoke the aesthetic of __________ . I believe that my final artwork achieved this through __________”


• reflect on the effectiveness of finished artworks to communicate ideas as described in the exploration proposal

“I believe the finished artworks are effective in communicating the concept of  _____________ as discussed in my Exploration Proposal because…”


• analyse how the artworks realise the communication of the students ideas as described in the exploration proposal

“In my Exploration Proposal in Unit 3, I stated that …………….. I believe that this shows through in artwork 1 where…….. In artwork two, links to the artists for inspiration are evident in communicating my concept. I believe that I have …….”


• discuss the refinement and presentation of artworks

“Throughout refinement and deciding on the presentation of the two artworks, I found that it was really important to....”


• evaluate the presentation of artworks

“The presentation of the artworks as a ___________ (series of photographs, digital/screen based animation) is effective because…”

“Overall, I am very happy with the….”

Your reflection must:

  • be word processed

  • be within 500 – 750 words

  • include images of artwork one and artwork two (and any additional artworks produced) must be clearly labelled and placed at the start of the Evaluation.

  • VERY IMPORTANT: The Evaluation documentation is used by the teacher to directly inform the assessment of Criteria 6 - 10. Without the Evaluation documentation the student cannot be assessed in Criterion 10. If an Evaluation document is not presented a student cannot score in Criteria 6 - 10 of the School assessed Task and should be assessed as 0. Failure to submit the Evaluation Document deems that the student has not completed Outcome 2 and may receive an N for the Unit.

(Source: Studio Arts Administrative Advice for School Based Assessment, 2017-22), P. 6-7)

(Source: Studio Arts Administrative Advice for School Based Assessment, 2017-22), P. 18)
Helpful stuff:​





The Edrolo clips and the assignment sheet break down the 9-10 (Very High) and offer examples of how you could approach each component.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process.

The evaluation uses considered art terminology to critique, reflect upon and justify the studio process selected and to clarify the presentation at least two finished artworks.

Evidence of Presentation:

  • The evaluation is in the range of 750 – 1000 words.

  • The document includes visual references to the potential directions that form the basis of the two finished artworks.

  • Cinaya has clearly labelled each of the potential direction/s used to develop individual artworks at the start of the evaluation document.

  • The evaluation must be presented at the end of the Unit 4 Authentication Material.


The evaluation document must include the following:

  • Description of focus subject matter and ideas in at least two finished artworks.

  • Visual evidence of selected potential directions in at least two finished artworks.

  • Evaluation of the contribution of potential directions to the resolution of artworks.

  • Analysis of the realisation and communication of ideas in at least two finished artworks.

  • Evaluation of the resolution of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities used to communicate ideas.

  • Evaluation of the cohesive relationships between artworks.

  • Evaluation of the presentation of at least two artworks.

  • The presentation of at least two finished artworks may include a discussion of the space the artworks will be displayed, lighting, wall colour and arrangement or sequence of the artworks in the space through illustrations, diagrams, images or photographs.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10

Evidence of Presentation:

  • The evaluation is in the range of 750 – 1000 words.

  • The document includes visual references to the potential directions that form the basis of the two finished artworks.

  • Cinaya has clearly labelled each of the potential direction/s used to develop individual artworks at the start of the evaluation document.

  • The evaluation must be presented at the end of the Unit 4 Authentication Material.


The evaluation document must include the following:

  • Description of focus subject matter and ideas in at least two finished artworks.

  • Visual evidence of selected potential directions in at least two finished artworks.

  • Evaluation of the contribution of potential directions to the resolution of artworks.

  • Analysis of the realisation and communication of ideas in at least two finished artworks.

  • Evaluation of the resolution of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities used to communicate ideas.

  • Evaluation of the cohesive relationships between artworks.

  • Evaluation of the presentation of at least two artworks.

  • The presentation of at least two finished artworks may include a discussion of the space the artworks will be displayed, lighting, wall colour and arrangement or sequence of the artworks in the space through illustrations, diagrams, images or photographs.



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