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Art Unit 3



  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 20 per cent

  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 50 per cent

  • End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

Outcome 1: Interpreting art

In this area of study students respond to and critically interpret the meanings and messages of artworks. They develop, examine and analyse their own and others’ opinions and use evidence to support different points of view. Students undertake research to support their analysis and critique. Using appropriate terminology, they compare artworks produced before 1990 with artworks produced since 1990. When selecting artworks for study, it is recognised that the Analytical Frameworks can be applied to all artworks in varying degrees. Students demonstrate depth of analysis by drawing on specific aspects of the frameworks to support their interpretations of artworks.


Students must undertake:

• the study of at least one artist, their artistic practice and artworks produced before 1990, and at least one artist, their artistic practice and artworks produced since 1990

• a comparison of the artists with detailed analysis of at least two artworks by each artist

• the application of relevant aspects of the Analytical Frameworks across each of the selected artworks to interpret the meanings and messages.


On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Analytical Frameworks to analyse and interpret artworks produced before 1990 and since 1990, and compare the meanings and messages of these artworks.

To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.


Key knowledge

• contexts of artworks produced before 1990 and since 1990

• the characteristics of artworks produced before 1990 and since 1990

• the Structural Framework, the Personal Framework, the Cultural Framework and the Contemporary Framework

• resources available to support research of selected artists and artworks

• terminology used in the analysis, interpretation, comparison and contrast of artworks.


Key skills

• compare the contexts and characteristics of artworks produced before 1990 with artworks produced since 1990

• apply the Structural Framework, the Personal Framework, the Cultural Framework and the Contemporary Framework to the analysis and interpretation of the meanings and messages of artworks

• substantiate interpretations of artworks with evidence taken from the artworks themselves and with reference to a range of resources

• use appropriate terminology in the analysis, interpretation, comparison and contrast of artworks.


The Task

How you are being assessed:

The assessment rubrics has been adapted from the VCAA provided performance descriptors for this outcome, pictured below.
































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