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Art Unit 3



  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework: 20 per cent

  • Units 3 and 4 School-assessed Task: 50 per cent

  • End-of-year examination: 30 per cent.

Outcome 2: Investigation and interpretation through art making

In this area of study students use the art process to develop their own art responses inspired by ideas, concepts and observations. They apply imagination and creativity as they explore and develop visual language through the investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques, processes and art forms. Students engage in ongoing exploration, experimentation, reflection, analysis and evaluation as they progressively develop and refine their ideas. They document and analyse their thinking and working practices throughout the art process, using the language and context of selected and identified Analytical Frameworks (pages 10–12) to guide their reflection. They use appropriate technical skill to produce a body of work with at least one finished artwork at the end of Unit 3. Students employ appropriate health, safety and sustainable practices in the development of their practical work.


On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the art process to produce at least one artwork, and use the Analytical Frameworks to document and evaluate the progressive development and refinement of their artistic practice. To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 2.


Key knowledge

• the art process relevant to materials, techniques, processes and art forms

• artistic practice that explores and experiments ideas, concepts, materials, techniques and processes

• visual language that reflects imagination and the development of concepts and skills

• techniques and processes to develop effective visual language

• selected and identified Analytical Frameworks as a guide for reflective annotation

• terminology used in documentation, annotation, reflection and evaluation.


Key skills

• make and document the development of creative personal responses using the art process to explore, investigate and experiment with materials, techniques, processes and art forms

• explore, develop and refine ideas and personal concepts

• manipulate techniques and processes to develop artworks

• reflect on and document personal ideas and concepts

• employ the language of selected and identified Analytical Frameworks to support reflective annotation

• document and evaluate the development and refinement of work using appropriate written and visual material

• produce at least one finished artwork.



Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 1

Exploration and experimentation of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice.

Talulah begins an exploration of personal responses and ideas by researching and gathering inspiration. Here she has included several cited images and responds visually with a small study and annotations indicating her influences and how this might inspire her personal work.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2

Experimentation and exploration with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process.

The exploration and investigation of Talulah’s selected art form of painting continues in her Visual Diary. Throughout her art process she experiments with materials and techniques. In a small study here she indicates her thinking with annotations guided by the Analytical Frameworks. She is manipulating paint in order to explore visual language to convey her personal ideas and concepts.

Unit 3 – Outcome – Criteria 3

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of art works through artistic practice.

Throughout the Art Process Talulah uses the Analytical Frameworks to explore and reflect on the development of her personal concepts. She has employed a key to indicate the selected frameworks. Throughout her annotations she demonstrates an understanding and application of art terminology.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4

Use of visual language and manipulation of materials, techniques and processes to develop artworks relevant to the student intentions.

Here Talulah is experimenting with Visual Language. Small sketches help her develop and refine possible compositions. Throughout the art process she manipulates the application of her selected materials and techniques. She indicates a clear understanding of Visual Language supported by annotations of her thinking and working.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4

Use of visual language and manipulation of materials, techniques and processes to develop artworks relevant to the student intentions.

Here Talulah is experimenting with Visual Language. Small sketches help her develop and refine possible compositions. Throughout the art process she manipulates the application of her selected materials and techniques. She indicates a clear understanding of Visual Language supported by annotations of her thinking and working.

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 1

Cleopatra seeks out sources of inspiration that are relevant to her personal ideas. She responds to artistic inspiration with small thumbnail trials supported by annotations to communicate her personal responses, ideas and concepts.

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 1

Exploration and experimentation of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice.

Criteria 1 requires a personal exploration of ideas and concepts. Cleopatra is exploring and refining her ideas through mind maps and small sketches. Her sketches are relevant to her intentions and she continues to consolidate her ideas.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2

Experimentation and exploration with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process.

Exploration and investigation of selected artforms helps Cleopatra to refine her ideas and concepts through the art process. In these pages we see some of the experimentation with materials, techniques and processes that she employed throughout the art process. She demonstrates her developing skill in the use of the selected mediums.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of art works through artistic practice.

Cleopatra’s annotations demonstrate her understanding of the Analytical Frameworks and art terminology. She documents and evaluates her exploration throughout her artistic practice.  She communicates her thinking and outlines potential areas for further exploration and improvement. She selects and uses headings to acknowledge the framework/s being applied.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4

Use of visual language and manipulation of materials, techniques and processes to develop artworks relevant to the student intentions.

Students use Visual Language to communicate the exploration, development and resolution of artworks. They experiment with, and develop and refine, materials, techniques and processes.  Cleopatra is exploring potential compositions by posing her model in different positions, changing camera angles and varying her zoom length. This helps her to develop and refine her visual language to best communicate her personal ideas and concepts.

Unit 3 - Outcome 2 – Criteria 5

Resolution of personal ideas and intentions and refinement of the use of materials, techniques and processes relevant to selected art forms and a finished artwork.

Cleopatra has refined and resolved her ideas to create a finished artwork at the conclusion of Unit 3.  The finished artwork, alongside her art process demonstrates the refinement of her skill and personal concepts.  She has used the Analytical frameworks throughout her art practice to support her thinking and working practices.

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