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Unit 2 Outcome 1

Exploration of studio practice and development of artworks

The official part:

‘In this area of study we will focus on developing artworks through an individual studio process based on visual research and inquiry. In developing an individual studio process, we will learn to explore ideas, sources of inspiration, materials and techniques in a selected art form, which is documented in an individual exploration proposal. You will respond to stimulus to generate ideas related to your own context and experiment with materials and techniques and apply them to a selected art form. You may use art elements and art principles to create particular aesthetic qualities relevant to their ideas and subject matter. We will learn to generate a range of potential directions in the studio process around which an artwork can be developed. You will analyse and evaluate these in a visual diary before the production of the artwork.’

VCAA, 2017-2022 Studio Arts Study Design, p. 16

Outcome 1

On completion of this unit you should be able to develop an individual exploration proposal to form the basis of a studio process, and from this produce and document a variety of potential directions in a visual diary for at least one artwork. To achieve this outcome we will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.


Key knowledge

• the nature and structure of an individual studio process

• a range of sources of inspiration to support ideas for art making

• a range of artistic influences

• strategies for generating a range of potential directions

• the characteristics and nature of materials and techniques

• a range of art elements and art principles to formulate an understanding of aesthetic qualities

• strategies for presenting and evaluating artworks.


Key skills

• develop an individual studio process that is recorded in a visual diary

• explore and use ideas, sources of inspiration and artistic influences

• explore and develop a range of potential directions

• use materials and apply techniques

• use art elements and art principles to demonstrate aesthetic qualities

• research, analyse and evaluate potential directions explored

• use terminology to annotate developmental and exploratory work in a visual diary

• present and evaluate at least one artwork.


Studio Knack Textbook, Ch 4


What we are actually going to do:

In Unit 1, you learnt about the Studio Process:

- Exploration Proposal

- Brainstorm

- Artist's for Inspiration

- Research

- Media Trails

Throughout Unit 2, we will be working on a 'Mini Year 12' to cover the outcome and create a folio as well as 1 final artwork.

The process will include the above, and extend to include:

- Weekly planner

- Exploratory folio to Potential Directions

- Artwork Production

- Final artwork presentation

- Reflection

- Didactic Panel

You will have free choice for your Big Idea or Concept for Unit 2 and should choose a medium that you feel you would like to specialise in.

Was your topic too broad last time?
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Sample themes to inspire you:

Text in art             The Body                Identity               Relationships                  Sustainability                Asia/Australia                  Events

Symbolism           Inner/Outer           Illusion                Past/Present                   Poetry/Lyrics                 Utopia/Dystopia             Stories

Issue you are passionate about (politics, bullying, human rights, health, war, etc.).

(Source: Heaysman, J, 2021)

For more ideas:






Weekly Sketchboook - you will be required to respond to given prompts each week in a small A5 sketchbook. This will be assessed within your Unit 2 End of Year Report as 5% of your mark. Click on "Assessment for Art Journal" for more information.

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Helpful Stuff:

How you are being assessed:

Your Unit 2 assessment is adapted from the Unit 3/4 SAT folio assessment criteria

Adapted from Unit 3 SAT Criteria 1:

10% of O1

Adapted from Unit 3 SAT Criteria 2:

10% of O1

Adapted from Unit 3 SAT Criteria 3-5:

30% of O1

Adapted from Unit 3 SAT Criteria 6-8:

30% of O1

Adapted from Unit 3 SAT Criteria 10:

10% of O1

10% of O1

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